Wednesday, June 17, 2015

An update on my 2014 goals

GOALS UPDATE: How far did I get?

Last year i made some goals for myself since it's already June 2015, I'd like to make an update and report on my progress. 

Here's what I achieved:
I'd like to proudly announce that after 2 years of graduation, I have finally re-payed all my OSAP loans 100%. There goes $25,000, I no longer owe the government, but I have an education that lets me earn more money over time. I can finally move on to bigger and better things. It was kinda funny when I finished paying off my loans, three days later I discover that I still had a balance of $0.08. I said to myself "Are you freakin' kidding me?" So I gave them another $0.50 just to shut them up. But other than that I'm happy and free.

Last year I was able get a nursing job in an ICU unit with a paid education, score! Right? Well there was one condition, I must pass the course. So from January to April I went to class, Monday to Friday 8am-4pm working my ass off to pass the course. I hardly went out and gained some weight. At that point nothing else mattered because my job was on the line. In fact, that was the common collective goal of everyone else in that classroom which drove us all to succeed. During this time, I hardly exercised, didn't go out too often and was not as strict as I'd like to be on my diet. But the good news is I can now add "Critical Care Nurse" to my official professional title. This means I will have no issues finding another job. 

Here's what I didn't achieve:
The 25" waist will be an on going struggle, I have not yet reached this goal and felt like I've been taking a couple of steps backwards and back to where I started. With all the important stuff out of the way, I can get back to concentrating on my Better Body goal and do my best to achieve that waistline. Bring on the VEGAN DISHES!